Various Presentations
On this page you will find various presentations (both PPTs and PDFs) used during your day-to-day lectures.
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 20 Sep.-6 Oct. 2015
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 20 Sep.-6 Oct. 2015
- Notification
- Form No 3A Nomination Rule 7
- Form 4 List Of Validly Nominated Candidates
- Form No A
- Form No B
- Form No 6 Notice of Withdrawal Of Candidates
- Form 7A List of Contesting Candidate
- Form No 48A
- Form No 49 Index Card
- Basics Of NREGA
- Boundary And Boundary Disputes
- Check List For DEOs
- Counting
- Counting Of Votes
- Election
- Election Laws
- Election Procedure
- Election Process
- Election Training
- Elections Overview
- FAQ Grampanchayat
- FAQ Mahanagarpalika
- FAQ Nagar Parishad
- FAQ Zilha Parishad
- Form No 48A
- Form No 49 Index Card
- Form No 6 Notice Of Withdrawal Of Candidates
- Form No A
- Form No B
- Form4 List Of Validly Nominated Candidates
- Handling Of Water Scarcity
- Kotwal Recruitment
- Land Acquisition Act
- Maharashtra Co-Operative Societies Election To Commite Rules 2014
- Nomination
- Nomination Rule 7
- Nomination To Symbol Process
- Notification
- Personal Service Matters
- Police Patil Recruitment
- Steps In Election Process
- Survey
- Symbol Allotment
- Purvatha
- ZP and PS Elections
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 14-19 Sept. 2015
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 14-19 Sept. 2015
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 7-12 Sept. 2015
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 7-12 Sept. 2015
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 31 Aug-5 Sept. 2015
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 31 Aug-5 Sept. 2015
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 24-28 Aug 2015
Presentations - Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars - 24-28 Aug 2015
- ABC Statement Demand Fixation and Up-Kar
- Disposal of Govt Trees and Grazing Rules 1969
- Felling of Trees
- Mining Section 48 and Mining Rules
- MLRC Overview
- MRTP urban planning
- Nistar Patrak and Regulation of Fishing
- Overview Of Governance
- quasi judicial functions
- Record of Rights
- Revenue Officers Procedures
- Section 29
- Section 65 Alluvion and Diluvion
- Section 85 Partition
- Urban Administration for Revenue Officers
- Water Course
Other Presentations for Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars
Other Presentations for Dy. Coll. and Tahsildars
- Identification Parades Arrangement
- Identification Parades Procedural Details
- Identification Parades Role Play
- Daptar Tapasani Format
- Jaminiche Vaad
- Jaminiche Vaad Shetkari
- MLRC Sec 1-20
- Overview of Revenue Department
- Pik Kapani Prayog
- Restoration Act
- Talathi Training (PDF)
- Talathi Training (PPT)
- Village Forms 1-21 (PDF)
- Village Forms 1-21 (XLS)
- Village Forms 1-5 (DOC)
- Village Forms 1-5 (PDF)
- Village Forms 1-5 (PPT)
- Village Forms 6-21
- Visits to Districts - State Dignitaries
- VVIP Visits
- Table of Precedence
- Revised State Guest Rules 2004
MDS - 1st Sept. to 30th Sept. 2015
MDS - 1st Sept. to 30th Sept. 2015
- Aadivasi Shektrat Bhat Yantikikara
- Activity Mapping Devolution In Maharashtra
- Administrative Permission
- Anganvadi Karykarti Padi Nivad
- Art of Living and Joy of Work
- Asmita Bhavan Plan
- Badli
- BDO's Role
- Best Practices TRTI Pune
- Caste Validity
- CEO's Workshop
- Construction Prodecure
- DDO Presentation
- DE Guidelines
- DE Guidelines Signed Letter
- DE Office Circular 472015
- Ekatmik Bal Vikas Seva V Yojna
- Ferrocrete Technology For Rural Development
- HFA Structure And Functioning
- IAY Valuation Certificate
- Indira Awas Yojna House
- Krushi Vibhag ZP Presentation
- Maharashtra Gramin Rojgar Hami Yojna
- Mahila Bachat Lay 1 Model
- Mahila V Bal Kalyan Vibhagachi Rachna
- Main Add CEO
- Malnutritrion
- MCSR Leave1
- MCSR Leave2
- National Rural Drinking Water
- Pani Purvtha V Swachta Bharat
- Promotion
- Presentation on Malnutrition
- RDD GR 23 Sep 13
- Revised Child Rights
- Sadarikaran MAS ZP
- Seva Bharti
- Social Laws and Panchayat Raj Institution
- Swacha Bharat Mission
- Transfer Act 2005
- Village Panchayat Presentation
- VP and NP Dividation and Addition
- ZP Works Made Easy
- ZP And PS Act 1961
- ZP PS Revised MAS Format 1 To 8 Marathi
MDS - 19th to 31st August 2015
MDS - 19th to 31st August 2015
- CEO Orientation
- Developement at a Glance
- e-Office GR
- e-Office Presentation
- Ethics and QUality Work
- Important provisions Under ZP Act
- Zilla Parishad vittiy sahay
- Powers of ZP authorities
- Purchase
- Role of CEO-1
- Role of CEO-2
- Sadarikaran Grampanchayat
- Shamkant Doudkar
- Stages of Administrative Proposal
- Village Panchayat Presentation
- Work Culture
- Zilla Parishad Structure
- ZP Account Code lekha sahita
- ZP CEOs Powers Under ZP Act
1st and 2nd Week
1st and 2nd Week
- BUDGET Presentation
- Corruption_controlling
- DDO Presentation
- Dr. Bhatlanwde Sir
- Group 1 PPT
- Human rights commission
- Livelihoods.ppt
- Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayuta
- M & E and Accountability 03052015
- Maharashtra State Service (Medical Maintainance) Rule 1961
- MCSR Leave
- Modes of Correspondance
- My office.ppt
- MZPS Act1961 PS Provisions.ppt
- Responsive Administration and Changing role of Governance_31
- Role and responsibilities of BDOs
- RTI Marathi PPT
- Sevapustak
- Tribal Mission Stakeholder Consultation Workshop
- Yashada presentation FRA PESA CPTP 2015 powerpoint
- ZP & PS adhiniyam 1961 for Officials andZP Member Shri Waghmare Sir
3rd and 4th Week
3rd and 4th Week
- Office Management
- watershed presentation-brief
- Social Welfare
- Sholay
- Protocol
- Protocol
- Protocol PPT
- Presentation1
- Overview of Maharashtra-21-5-15-DrNagargoje
- Jagtap sir
- IT Systems & Networking-1
- Forms of Market-1
- Evolution of NeGP H1 PQR
- DrAnuradha Sowney - Social Interactions at work place
- Dr Dnyadev Talue
- Dr Bodkhe
- Office Management
- Accessible Computing
- Community Participation for Effective WM
- Website Development Guidelines